Acknowledge Your Difference, Your Deep Bliss, And Put A ‘Happy’ Smile On Your Face Forever!
Acknowledge your difference, your deep bliss, and put a ‘Happy’ smile on your face forever! — Elisa Card
On this theme, I have more to tell you.
During my last six years at my Corporate job, I felt that I had something else to bring to the table. Something special, because I am special, we all are special, we all are one-of-a-kind!
I was telling them my difference but in a huge corporate-roller-machine, every little soldier has to stay in his/her place.
From my very deep inner nature, a strong bliss of doing sales, or being a brand ambassador for them, for us, to increase sales, was growing…. And, I was telling them my difference, I showed a business plan and projects, but they didn’t hear it.
They didn’t want to hear it!
When in life you know deep down within you that you have a special bliss, you feel it and this strong warm feeling never quits!
“Joy comes from using your potential” — Will Schultz, American Economist.
I was not joyous at my 9–5 job. I was happy to have a job, a good job, great colleagues, and a very good company to work with.
But, if from high in the sky, we zoomed down to me at my desk, …. That was not really thrilling.
Every day, I was thinking of doing something else.
And with the pioneering brand-ambassador-sales project that I proposed with the support of some female-managers, I could have done wonders in this innovative world.
The truth is…
The truth is my path was beckoning me towards different horizons, different adventures.
Sound familiar?
And here I am, happy doing exactly what was right for me, creating, writing, coaching and public speaking.
Do you feel that the corporate environment is providing you with a superb life experience?
Which steps do you take to fulfill your life passion?
How do you create joy in your life, using YOUR potential?
What is your project?
If like me your path is beckoning you,
this is what I suggest you do:
1- Amplify your self-awareness,
2- Listen to your inner voice,
3- Have a conversation with your inner you!
4- Go for it step-by-step!
You’ll be so proud you did.
And the cherry on the cake is that you’ll create more Happiness within You which you have no idea. You cannot even imagine!
Cheers to you! :)
Let me give you a hand during your journey to Happiness and Success. #happy2succeed
As a gift to our friendship, this is my FREE eBook to jump-start your Happiness and Success in your life: