5 Tips to Set Up The Best Lively Future For Your Children and A Happy Home!

Elisa Card
4 min readSep 5, 2022

Today as a parent, you’ll discover my 5 tips to set up a bright future for your children.

5 Tips to Set Up The Best Lively Future For Your Children and A Happy Home! Today as a parent, you’ll discover my 5 tips to set up a bright future for your children. Success is there for you & happiness, too: you are invited to get my heart-centered power principles with 3 PILLARS MOMS NEED TO BUILD & PROTECT A LOVING FAMILY. When you visit the link https://mailchi.mp/f70ac2599178/elisa-card-3-pillars-moms-need-to-build-protect-a-loving-family
photo credit: ELISA CARD

You’ll get a way of living your everyday life not from the love of power but to the power of love.

I am a mother of 5 boys: I’ve been a single mom after escaping a ten-year toxic-narcissistic relationship. My transformation came from awakening my inner power; simultaneously, my decision to start my entrepreneurship journey saved my family, bringing tremendous confidence and self-esteem in myself so that I could create freedom emotionally and financially.

If you make yourself into something truly magnificent, your children will look up to you and listen to you!

So as a single mother entrepreneur and then in the corporate world in tech, I naturally used the following 3 pillars to build and protect my family:

· Inner peace

· Impact

· Income flow

And I’m sure this is something you want to implement too.

Now, I invite you to get how to create and implement these 3 pillars in your life with my 3 PILLARS MOMS need to BUILD & protect A LOVING family when you visit here.



Elisa Card

Single mom of 5 turned entrepreneur, helping others elevate their impact & income, inner peace to children & romantic relation. https://linktr.ee/elisacard